The past 3 1/2 months in my warehouse has been a crazy ride. It's gotten so busy and tight here that I had to take out another lease for office space for the Service division alone. This post is to outline the new changes being made with the Services. Don't worry, the changes are for the better!
100 Miles an Hour
I expected this...all of it.
I expected the volume, the love, the hate and especially the headaches. What I didn't expect was for everything to happen in such a short amount of time. If you've read my past blogs, you should know by now my team and I are not here to play it safe, and we're definitely not trying to stay small.
I want to thank you all for making this happen. With your help, I was able to hire more people, get more and better internet, stock up on inventory and other things that will move us forward.
While everything is going fast as heck, I'm still pushing for us to move faster and further. To do so, it's imperative that I take a moment (again) to move some things around. By doing so, PrettiBone will continue to freely evolve. This blog will outline those changes.

My happy ass self before the mayhem..

...and 3 1/2 months later!
My Hyporcisy
I'm not a fan of groups, clubs, and cliques in reselling that are engineered to keep people out and let people that are separated by 2 degrees in. I've been denied access before from 2 groups and I did not like how I was treated like an outsider. My philosophy is, if someone is willing to put in their fair share of the work to make the community better, then they should be included in any group in reselling. To be clear, I'm not a fan of leeches (people that are here to take and never give).
With that said, I'm opening up the Reseller Inventory Portal to everyone sooner than expected. You can find it here. This Portal is aimed to make the purchasing of inventory easier for those that are in areas where access to inventory is limited. Inventory is getting added regularly so check back often.
The second instance of my hypocrisy is how I currently run Valet. It was a Service I provided on an approval basis only. There's something wrong with this model. I shouldn't be the final arbiter for who is qualified for Valet and who's not. For all I know, I was rejecting accounts that were actually qualified, but just not by my standards, this isn't right. Moving forward, Valet will be a self serve subscription service that everyone can purchase without approval. The downside of this is that customers will have to decide for themselves if Valet is right for them. But my team is always here to answer any questions if you ever do have any.
I Bleed and Breath the Same Air
Like everyone else, my time is limited. This isn't me going on a rant about how I'm so busy that I can't answer everyone's questions and comments. This is the part where I come to grips that I am human and my day is limited to 24 hours too.
These are the conversation channels that I'm currently responsible for because I don't feel comfortable for my team to take over yet.
1. emails
2. Instagram Direct Messages
3. Twitter Tweets
4. Instagram comments
5. Text messages
6. Most of emails
It's not to say my team is not capable of taking on such a task, it's just that I need PrettiBone to have a consistent message across the board on all platforms.
If you're wondering, I have to muscle through about 120 correspondences combined every day. Do I love interacting with everyone...of course! But as you can already tell, this is not sustainable if my main job is to be PrettiBone's Visionary and it's Operations Manager (ugh!..I hate using that word). Spreading myself thin is not only bad for my quality of life but also PrettiBone's future.
With that said, I will be cutting down my correspondence responsibilities to a level where I can work on the future of PrettiBone.
Changes With The Services
Simply put, the Services are not going anywhere! If you haven't noticed, we made a few modifications that cater more to the needs that I've been hearing about from past and present customers. Here they are:
1. 5,000 Self-Share Service is replaced with a 2 Day Self-Share Service. This change is made because the 5,000 Service did not conform to our philosophy that success is not measured by how many shares are made, rather how many sales are made.
2. 2-Week Self-Share Service just got added to make it cheaper for those that are consistently buying the 1-Week Services.
3. Valet is open to everyone for the reasons I stated earlier. It is now a true subscription based Service.
4. The Valet initial assessment is eliminated. This feature REALLY puts a drag on productivity and needs to be eliminated. If you're a current Valet client, you might know exactly what I'm talking about. The initial assessments are also something I can't keep up with because I'm exclusively doing all of them myself. However, this is not to say that I'm not here to answer your questions moving forward! And yes, the Inventory Box Perk is still a thing for all Valet clients.
5. When you order any of the services, the duration of the services will be based on the time advertised. Of course, if there's a mistake on our end, more time will be added to your order! Although I would like for us to give everyone as much time as we can, we ran across 2 problems by doing so. The first has to do with the sporadic scheduling that goes into that extra time. The second has to do with skewed expectations that are based on our extra shares.
I will also be reaching out to the current Valet clients to square everything with them. I know it has been a roller coaster but I do want to say that NOBODY has been billed a 2nd invoice yet because I need to make Valet make sense from beginning to end before I feel comfortable doing so; I believe we're at that point now.
Thanks Crystal @theuncommonwild for the assist!
It's unexplainable how proud I am of what's going on. Even though everything is moving fast as hell, I know it's only so because we're trying to push our limits. The trick is to know when we're overextending ourselves. This is why my team and I regroup, discuss, tweak and implement new policies and ideas that will be conducive to the growth of PrettiBone. With the impending PrettiBone Thrift store coming next year, we're making sure to get everything buttoned up before we take on such a task.
Again, thank you for the support you've given not just to me but my entire team in such a short amount of time. And while things are changing here and there, understand that one of our top 5 goals is to make sure that everyone around is making money from their Poshmark closets. Of course, we're out to make money for ourselves too but there's so much to go around that everyone can still get their piece of the pie!
To sum up, PrettiBone is stronger than ever. We're just working on some details that will take us further.
Thank you,
- Dani
10 Comments on “Changes – October 2019”
You have inspired me by how you do business. I didn’t hate the evaluation for Valet because it really made me step my game up. I took the NOT RIGHT NOW, as an opportunity to get where I need to be as a business owner and succeed. I appreciate the fact you care about your clients. Thank you for all you do and yes – for your transparency. You have done something great here and its been great to see you grow. YOU BETTA WERK!
Thanks Azia! We’re always in the background trying to improve in every way to benefit everyone across the board girl. ?
Standing ovation, Dani!! I love the transparency. I hope everyone is extending you guys grace because ultimately we’ve been included in the ground floor of something that is going to go big! I love your “everyone gets a piece of the pie” mentality. No more “there’s not enough buyers out there for everyone to make money” excuses. I want to squeeze your face ?
Thanks Jenny! And yes, something BIG is going to happen with this project ?
You’re amazing boss! You’ve got this! I had the same thing happen to my own business ride the roller coaster ride because your hard work is paying off!
Thanks Danette!
Love it!!! Doing awesome lady!
Love it and your attitude that it isn’t a sum zero game.
There’s so much to go around!